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Monday, May 3, 2010

April's Safety Net Winner!!

Congratulations to our own BRYAN  D (the really cute photo at left), the Safety Net volunteer who won this month's giveaway!! BRYAN is a Safety Net volunteer who completed the monthly survey to report his involvement with the project (basically, to report the # of txt, email, or FB messages sent/if he posted it as a FB status message) and won this month's drawing for a $10 GIFT CARD TO TISANE, a really cool coffee/tea house and bar serving delish Euro-Asian food (their gay night = Tuesday night, and queer women's night is the 1st Sunday of each month, FYI), and a SEXY GIFT BASKET!! Gooooo BRYAN!!

Volunteers, make sure you take ONE MINUTE to complete each month's short sur...vey that asks how many messages you sent to your friends (or even if you posted it on FB!) and you could be entered to win a great giftcard. Even if you don't want the giftcard (you selfless individual!), we still really need the numbers to analyze how the project is doing!!

Sorry, B, couldn't resist putting this cute topless photo of you up on the Safety Net blog.... what can I say, bbs, you're too cute! This was taken at an MPowerCT fun BBQ and Karaoke event, btw....
Stay tuned for May's message, coming up soon! Thanks to all of our volunteers! and if you're interested in becoming a Safety Net volunteeer, then just drop me a quick line-- even just "safety net"-- via email or txt! email: or txt or call me at 860-268-3777
Thanks, y'all. You're amazing. <3

-Jamie B, Safety Net Team


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